Here is Bonvivant Yvre (Lili) at the Nordic Show. She was 2nd Junior class in the first day.
At LKA Remy was 3rd Tervueren PGDog, Elle won PB and was Best Puppy in Breed and Psyche was 3rd in OB Groenendael. A Bruine son was BPD Tervueren. Pictured here is also Ruari (Revloch Yabba Dabba Doo) a Cliche son, was BP and RBD AVNSC. Well Done Tracey and Jean.
The weather has changed again and the temperature has plummeted, with -9 degrees forecast for next week !
Caper went for his first obedience class and was very surprised to see a black and white puppy--he hadn't a clue what it was-but he was very good and very confident in a strange place without his mum. He has turned into quite the mountaineer and has had to be rescued from very high places--onwards and upwards seems to be his latest motto. He starts big school at the end of January.
Sad time yesterday as I took the ancient lurcher, Double Diamond, to be put to sleep at 16 years old.
I am hoping to install a woodburning stove in the kennels soon as, with well below freezing temperatures being forecast,it will take the chill off. Old people will have to have winter rugs this week-if they will keep them on.
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