Monday, March 24, 2008

It is always nice to see how pups are coming on and Alison and Simon, with their two daughters, came for a visit with Max, one of Remys' brothers. He is a very handsome chap and is very good with the children. I am hoping that we may see him in the show ring at some point and I know they want to do agility too.
It was a bright, chilly day here today, with snow showers, brilliant sunshine and a cold wind. It just couldn't make its mind up. I put the dogs out in the paddocks and am hoping that the thick mud they managed to plaster themselves in, might drop off overnight, but they did enjoy themselves whooping and hollering. I just hope we get a couple more sunny days so they can blast a bit of steam off before the weekend, with the forecast Rain again!
Psyches' pups have definitely turned into gremlins now their eyes are open, and are whizzing about in between eating and sleeping. I think it may be time to move them pretty soon before they take over the world!

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