Monday, June 8, 2009

Sunday I decided to go up to Newark to the Spinone Champ show to meet up with Lynn where she was manning the CSJ stand. The idea was to take a few dogs with me and find time to do some obedience practice and socialising with a couple of pups. As I set off the heavens opened with thunder and lightening and it was pouring down all day. Needless to say the dogs didn't get out much!
Lynn stayed over and what a totally different day--sunshine and we went off to pick strawberries and go to the farm shop for more cake.We visited Wendy and had a Bristle hug and a cup of coffee and then back home to take some photos of Quest and her daughter Rowan in the field. Altogether a nice day and then Lynn went off home. Lisa and Chris brought a rejuvenated Sophie to visit along with a barrel shaped Fidget--only a couple of weeks before her litter is due. Solo came too as they had been walking out at the reservoir.
I stole some photos from Bridgits Facebook and this is of one of Fidgets' Yorn daughter, Tiva. Training tomorrow with Cello and Crusoe is going Wednesday to see what we can do.

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