Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Here at last are some more puppy photos. I can't believe it has been a week since I last posted on here but it has been more hectic than usual (if that is possible), what with a family funeral and lots of visitors, dogs and people.
Femme unfortunately did not have any puppies this time, which was gutting, as Martin had taken her to Belgium in January. It is always a gamble and, having had quite a few failures in the past with matings abroad, seemed to be just our luck yet again. Saying that I have had some wonderful litters from foreign matings it is just how your luck runs I'm afraid.
Cello has been to his obedience classes and is doing really well, he is such a clever dog handicapped by yours truly, yet he still excels himself. He has been doing more retrieve and scent work with Distance Control thrown in for good measure.His tail never stops wagging the whole 2.5hrs class and he gets really impatient to get his turn at an exercise. It was a bonus last night as one member, David, had come 1st & 2nd in the YKC Advanced at Crufts and had brought chocolate cake. Cellos' eyes lit up as he does love a bit of cake now and again.
The puppies have had a good time out in the sunshine today, the Tervueren are very with you all the time, whereas the Malinois puppies would have been quite happy to have been left to their own devices for the rest of the afternoon, but, as we didn't need the field landscaping, we brought them back down to their kennel.


Auntie Jane said...

Sorry the mating didn't work. The puppies in the pics are lovely.


Thanks Jane.

The puppies are monsters!!!!